Auction Item #19

Coat of Many Colors

7.5' Auction Tree

In the cozy warmth of a rustic cabin nestled among the snow-covered pines, the spirit of Christmas comes alive with the timeless charm of Dolly Parton’s “Coat of Many Colors.” Picture a quaint, wooden retreat adorned with flickering candles and the crackling sounds of a fireplace, where the walls echo the heartfelt lyrics of this classic song. The ambiance exudes a rustic charm, with handcrafted ornaments dangling from the branches of the tree that stands proudly in the corner. Reminiscent of Dolly’s humble beginnings, where she learned that you can be wealthy with love, rather than riches, the tree is draped in a patchwork of ornaments inspired by the colorful tales woven into the lyrics of the song.

Many thanks to Jami Fredrick of Sewing with Pride for creating the special Coat of Many Colors that goes along with this tree.

Sponsored by:  Friend of the Foundation

Designed by: Larissa Murtaugh, Lead Designer; Amanda Berg, Brooke Berg, Debbie Bollinger, and LynnDee Rivera

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